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Cheats, Modifications & Secrets

Like always, sometimes it is good or at least fun to modify the games in a lot of ways in order to improve the experience or to experiment with them, so here's a list of things that you can/discover with Wangan Xtreme Racer Midnight.


Disable all mid-race dialog

AC Scenario mode

Steps to activate the cheat:

  1. Choose any starting point and wait for the tollbooth cutscene to end (you can skip it too)
  2. Press the following button combination: L2 + R2 + Select


If the command was done correctly, you'll hear the jingle for selecting a character for the car's license plate and you'll proceed as normal.

Mission and Tuning modes

Steps to activate the cheat:

  1. Choose any mission and proceed as usual
  2. Before the screen goes black after the pre-race cutscene ends (the one that goes before the mission briefing screen that also acts as a loading screen), press the following button combination: L2 + R2 + Select


If the command was done correctly, you'll hear the jingle for selecting a character for the car's license plate and you'll proceed as normal.

Disable the HUD

At the race pause menu

Steps to activate the cheat:

  1. Press □ + △ at the same time


To deactivate the cheat and be able to go back to the pause, just repeat the same combination of buttons again. Sometimes the game may not register the button presses correctly and won't react at all, just do it again until it works.

During a replay

Steps to activate the cheat:

  1. Press the L3 button


To deactivate the cheat and be able to see everything, just repeat the same button again. Keep in mind that if the race shows any label regarding distance remaining, it won't be hidden away.

Disable the aura from any driver

AC Scenario mode

Steps to activate the cheat:

  1. Choose any starting point and wait for the tollbooth cutscene to end (you can skip it too)
  2. Press the following button combination: L1 + R1 + Select


If the command was done correctly, you'll hear the jingle for selecting a character for the car's license plate and you'll proceed as normal.

Mission and Tuning modes

 Steps to activate the cheat:

  1. Choose any mission and proceed as usual
  2. Before the screen goes black after the pre-race cutscene ends (the one that goes before the mission briefing screen that also acts as a loading screen), press the following button combination: L1 + R1 + Select


If the command was done correctly, you'll hear the jingle for selecting a character for the car's license plate and you'll proceed as normal.


Early access to the mission mode credits

Steps to activate the cheat:

  1. Get into the Press Start to continue menu
  2. Enter the following command: Right, Right, Right, Right, Down, Left, Up, ○


If the command was done correctly, you'll hear the defeat jingle and you'll be redirected to the main menu. The mission mode variant of the game credits can be located at the mission mode menu, in the "Ending movie" option.

Enter the debug menu



Steps to activate the cheat:

  1. Get into the intro cutscene of the game
  2. Keep the Start button pressed until the menu appears


The controls for the debug menu are as follows:

  • Up/Down D-Pad: select a different type of event/option.
  • Right D-Pad: select a different entry point for the start of the event.
  • Left D-Pad: select a different time of the start of the event.
  • X/L1: select a different car (forward).
  • L2: select a different car (backwards).
  • : choose between automatic and manual transmission.
  • : activate/deactivate the option to play the chosen mission.
  • R1/R2: select a different mission (forward/backwards).
  • R3: select a different movie and replay to be played.
  • : confirm the type of event/option that you want to select.
  • Select: it will play a sound test for the voice that tells you to get into the Shutokou highway in AC Scenario mode.

Each option does the following things, and these are the configurations that work for each of them:

  • Free run: race around the entire place without any time limits/rivals to beat.
    • Car: -
    • Entry point: -
    • Transmission: -
    • Notes: there's no visible HUD during the mode, and the pausing the game hardlocks it.

  • Quick: if the Scenario (Cutscene) option is deactivated, you will get the AC Scenario mode, but if not, you will instead do the mission from Mission mode that you have selected.
    • If AC Scenario mode is selected:
      • Car: -
      • Entry point: -
      • Time of day: -
      • Transmission: -
      • Notes: all of the cars are selectable, even the ones disabled specifically for this mode.
    • If Mission mode is selected:
      • Mission: only the missions that are accessible under normal circumstances.
      • Notes: each win/lose will count towards your stats.

  • Time trial: it is just the Time Trial mode if the Scenario (Mission mode) option is deactivated, but if it is activated, you will get the mission selected but you won't have any rival to race against nor any objective to fulfill altogether
    • If the scenario option is deactivated:
      • Car: -
      • Entry point: -
      • Transmission: -
      • Notes: -
    • If the scenario option is activated:
      • Mission: -
      • Transmission: -
      • Notes: -

  • i.Link: it just boots the game to the title screen, presumably it would start a standard i.Link multiplayer race, but that's not possible to know since PCSX2 does not support such feature at the moment.

  • Replay: if Scenario (Mission mode) option is deactivated, you will play the selected replay file, but if said option is activated, you will get the cutscene for AC Scenario mode corresponding to the chosen car, but then you will play the mission selected.
    • If the scenario option is deactivated:
      • Replay file: only the replay files that are accessible under normal circumstances.
      • Notes: selecting an non-existent replay file will crash the game.
    • If Mission mode is selected:
      • Mission: only the missions that are accessible under normal circumstances.
      • Notes: each win/lose will count towards your stats.

  • Movie: it reproduces the credits mission mode sequence or the intro movie.
    • Movie: if set to 0, it will reproduce the intro movie, but if set to 1 or 2, it will play the ending movie.

  • Intro movie: it will play the AC scenario cutscene for the car chosen (even if the car is not available for that mode). Then, if the Scenario (Cutscene) option is deactivated, you will get the AC Scenario mode, but if not, you will instead do the mission from Mission mode that you have selected.
    • If AC Scenario mode is selected:
      • Car: -
      • Entry point: -
      • Time of day: -
      • Transmission: -
      • Notes: all of the cars are selectable, even the ones disabled specifically for this mode.
    • If Mission mode is selected:
      • Mission: only the missions that are accessible under normal circumstances.
      • Notes: each win/lose will count towards your stats.

  • Staff movie: it will play the credits staff of the AC scenario mode with the car selected.
    • Car: -

  • Select: it boots the game into the title screen

  • Test mode: it loads the configuration menu for the arcade game Wangan Midnight R, and when exited, it tries to load the selected replay file.

  • MCDTest: it plays the selected mission after the cutscene that preceeds it.
    • Mission: only the missions that are accessible under normal circumstances.
    • Notes: each win/lose will count towards your stats.

  • Mission: it reboots the game

  • Intro: it boots the game into the title screen

  • Error: it goes to a black screen

Make your car emit some specific effects

Broken engine smoke

Steps to activate the cheat:

  1. Hold the Start button before selecting your car of choice


If the command was done correctly, you'll hear the jingle of low time remaining. To make use of the cheat, hold the R3 button at any point during the event and it'll emit smoke from the back.

Sparks effects exaggerated

Steps to activate the cheat:

  1. Hold the Select button before selecting your car of choice


If the command was done correctly, you'll hear the jingle of low time remaining. To see the cheat in action, make sure to pick up some proper speed and then break, you'll see the car's emitting way more sparks than what should produce.

Skip the tollbooth cutscene in AC Scenario mode

Steps to activate the cheat:

  1. Choose any starting route and time
  2. Before the screen goes to black, hold the R2 button


While you can already skip the tollbooth cutscene by just pressing the △ button, this cheat allows you to avoid loading it completely, even the text that shows the time where you enter the highway.

Show the replay's telemetry

Steps to activate the cheat:

  1. Press the Select button at any point during a replay


To deactivate the cheat and be able to see everything, just repeat the same button again. Keep in mind that the telemetry HUD won't be disabled if you disable the replay HUD.

Unlock the Jukebox without unlocking all of the cars

Steps to activate the cheat:

  1. Get into the Press Start to continue menu
  2. Enter the following command: Left, Down, Down, Right, Up, Right, Right, Right, Right, Up, ○


If the command was done correctly, you'll hear the victory jingle and you'll be redirected to the main menu. The Jukebox menu resides at the far-right of the main menu.


Widescreen aspect ratio (16:9)




Only the in-game parts of the game (including the car models when picking them) are in proper widescreen, the rest is still in 4:3.


Censored license plate names

Steps to activate the secret:

  1. Pick any car and transmission
  2. Select any of the following names for the license plate of your car:
Controversial organizations
Aum Shinrikyo, a Japanese doomsday cult
Euskadi Ta Askatasuna, separatist Basque group
If translated to French, it would be the acronym for Groupe Islamique Armé, an isurgent Islamic group from Algeria
Acronym to Irish Republican Army, a name used by various resistance groups in Ireland
Acronym for Ku Klux Klan, an USA reactionary group
In Kurdish, it refers to Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê, which translates to Kurdistan Workers' Party, an armed guerrilla movement
If translated to English, it would be the acronym for Palestine Liberation Organization
Red Army Faction, a West German communist guerrilla group
Profanity/Slurs/Sexual references
Spanish colloquial way of saying penis
Hebrew slang term for pimp
English synonym for butt
The word looks and sounds very similar to ass, an already censored word
A shortened version of the word bitch in English
First three letters to cazzo, which in Italian means dick, cock or prick
French vulgar way of saying butt
In English, a colloquial way of saying semen
The first three letters to the English word dick
The word is just the English word dick, but taking out the letter C from it
In English, is a slang term often used to refer to the word excrement
Said out loud, it sounds exactly like the English word fuck
Acronym for the English phrase fuck you
Shortened version of the word Japanese, considered an offensive term in some countries
Merde without the vowels, which means shit in French
First three letters of the word nigger, a racial slur often used in English-speaking languages
Shortened version of Nippon, the Japanese way of saying the country of Japan. It is considered an offensive term in some countries.
Vulgar acronym for the English phrase peice of shit, which is a variant of the (also vulgar) phrase piece of shit
Acronym for the sexual term penis in pussy
First three letters of the English word piss
Acronym for the English phrase penis in vagina
In English, it is a colloquial way of referencing someone's feces
In English, it can refer to the word piss without the vowels
Another way of saying sexual intercourse in English
Taking out the vowels of the English word shit
An acronym for the English phrase son of a bitch
Almost sounding like the verb suck in English, a verb often used in the context of sex.
Colloquial way of saying breasts in English
Acronym for the English phrase up the ass, a term that is used to describe certain sexual acts
Phonetically speaking, it almost sounds like the English verb to wank, a informal variant of the verb to masturbate
Other reasons
The number of the best,beast, at least according to most manuscripts of the New Testament
When translated to German, it is the acronym for Lysergsäure-diethylamid, a very popular psychedelic drug
A drug called Eticyclidine, it is drug with relative similar characteristics to PCP (the latter being commonly known as "angel dust"), but more obscure due to its unpleasant taste and tendency to cause nausea


While not necessarily a secret by the usual definition, it's interesting to see how Genki decided to apply such censorship, specially if we take into consideration that the game was released only in Japan.

Change the song of a replay file for the opening song for the AC scenario mode

Steps to activate the secret:

  1. Before entering a replay file, hold the R2 button.


Restarting the replay file (by pressing the Start button) without pressing the button will deactivate the cheat, although doing it while pressing the R2 button will keep the song.

Also keep in mind that the replay file must be longer than 2 minutes in order to the cheat be triggerable.

Choose what tuner to get in the 3rd and/or 4th missions of Tuning mode

Steps to activate the secret:

  1. Before pressing X or to select the third and last character for your vehicle, hold Select, press one or two of the following buttons followed and then confirm the last character without letting go none of the buttons pressed.
    • L1: Jun Kitami
    • L2: Rikako Ohta
    • R1: Kazuhiko Yamamoto
    • R2: Kazuo Ohta


If the command was done correctly, you'll hear the game over jingle and you'll proceed as normal. Also, if you press L1 and L2 at the same time, L1 will be the button taken into consideration (the same applies for R1 and R2).

Play Mission mode in a harder difficulty

Steps to activate the secret:

  1. Unlock Tuning mode
  2. Select any mission to play
  3. Press the Start and Select buttons at the same time before the VS screen shows up


If the command was done correctly, you'll hear the jingle of going backwards and you'll see the VS text (in the mission briefing scene that acts as a loading screen) and the replay name file in red. This mode only adds one lose condition: crashing onto anything will be an instant loss.